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কন্টেন্ট ক্যাটেগরি

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কন্টেন্ট ক্যাটেগরি ২

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কন্টেন্ট ক্যাটেগরি ৩ আপডেট

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Our Mobile Apps

JANO eLearning is an android app for beneficiaries where they can access digital nutrition sensitive and nutrition specific contents. The app can be used for registration, content viewing and user-based reporting.

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JANO eSession is a tablet focused mobile application replicating a face-to-face session between Frontline workers and beneficiaries. The application is for the Frontline workers to conduct the courtyard session.

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JANO eLearning for Frontline-workers is an android app for frontline-workers where they can access digital content regarding nutrition. The app can be used for registration, evaluation, content viewing and user-based tracking and reporting.

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